The test model "TestSine" from the package "Sensors.Tests.FourierAnalysis" from the Xogeny library: does not run on OpenModelica.
The error message is: "error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand". In the C-file generated by OpenModelica, the message error is about this lines:
infoStreamPrint(LOG_EVENTS, 0, "reinit $Panalysis$Pai$lB1$rB = %f", 0.0); copy_real_array_data_mem(&0.0, &$Panalysis$Pai$lB1$rB);
I don't understand this message and I want to use the block "FourierAnalysis" with OpenModelica.
It was an implementation bug in OpenModelica; it has been fixed in r22261.
Note: Bug reports should ideally be reported to