A podspec I'm creating is downloading a zip archive through a :http source:
s.source = {
:http => 'https://developer.spotify.com/download/libspotify/libspotify-12.1.45-Darwin-universal.zip'
I'm referring to files within the zip archive like so:
s.source_files = [
s.preserve_paths = 'libspotify-12.1.45-Darwin-universal/libspotify.framework/*'
s.xcconfig = {
'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '\"$(PODS_ROOT)/libspotify-12.1.45-Darwin-universal\"'
Passes pod spec lint validation, and pod install works well too in a project where I try out my podspec. But when building I get the error:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F"/Users/niklas/code/playground/libspotify podspec test/Pods/libspotify-12.1.45-Darwin-universal"' ld: framework not found libspotify
Getting this error because FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS is incorrectly set. There's no folder for the downloaded zip archive in the PODS_ROOT directory.
Where should I point FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS to? Where's the extracted zip archive?
Seems like this is a bug related to specifying a local podspec with :path
in the Podfile. When I create my own repo and install through the repo the zip archive is unzipped in the Pods
directory as expected.