I'm trying to recurse an NTFS folder structure, and output a CSV file that only displays each USER account with permissions on only the folders. Everything in the script outputs correctly EXCEPT for the portion that discovers a group and proceeds to enumerate the users in that group using Get-ADGroupMember. While debugging, I can see that each user within the group (even with nested groups) is outputted, but I guess I'm not properly "arraying" each output of the command and sending it onward to my "out" array.
I marked the section I'm having trouble with. Any help folks could provide would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
$Answer = Read-Host 'Do you wish to use an answer file? File must be named answer.csv and must reside in same directory as script. (Default is [N])'
If ($Answer -eq "y") {
$AnsFile = Import-Csv answer.csv | Select src,outdir,domain,user,pwd
$List_Dir = $AnsFile.src
$OutPath = $AnsFile.outdir
$DomainName = $AnsFile.domain
$Admin = $AnsFile.user
$Pwd = $AnsFile.pwd
Else {
Do {
$List_Dir = Read-Host 'Enter the directory path to be searched/recursed'
$TestList_Dir = Test-Path $List_Dir
If ($TestList_Dir -eq $True) {Write-Host "List directory checks out..."}
Else {Write-Host "Incorrect source directory. Please try again." -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor yellow}
While ($TestList_Dir -eq $False)
Do {
$OutPath = Read-Host 'Enter the directory path where the output files will be saved. Do not add a trailing slash.'
$TestOutPath = Test-Path $OutPath
If ($TestOutPath -eq $True) {Write-Host "Output path checks out..."}
Else {Write-Host "Incorrect output path. Please try again." -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor yellow}
While ($TestOutPath -eq $False)
$DomainName = Read-Host 'Enter the non-distinguished name of the Active Directory domain'
$Admin = Read-Host 'Type in an administrative account with rights to read AD Security Groups'
$Pwd = Read-Host 'Enter the adminstrative account password'
$Folder_Array = @()
write-host "List directory = $List_Dir"
write-host "Output path = $OutPath"
write-host "Domain = $DomainName"
write-host "Admin account = $Admin"
write-host "Password = $Pwd"
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
$CType = [DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain
$IDType = [DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.IdentityType]::SamAccountName
$DomainContext = New-Object DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext -ArgumentList $CType, $DomainName, $Admin, $Pwd
#$pat = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_:.]+$"
$pat = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_:.\]+$]"
get-childitem $List_Dir -recurse | where-object {$_.psIsContainer -eq $true} | foreach-object {
$a = ($_.FullName)
$d = $a -match $pat
$e = (get-acl $_.FullName).Access
foreach ($e1 in $e) {
$f = $e1.FileSystemRights
$g = $e1.AccessControlType
$SecID = $e1.IdentityReference
foreach ($Sec in $SecID) {
$GroupPrincipal = [DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.GroupPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($DomainContext, $IDType, $Sec)
if ($GroupPrincipal -ne $null) {
$Sec = $Sec.ToString()
$Sec = $Sec.Split("\")[1]
Get-AdGroupMember $Sec -Recursive | ForEach-Object {
$User = ($_.SamAccountName)
foreach ($u in $User) {
$out = new-object psobject
$out | add-member noteproperty Path $a
$out | add-member noteproperty Unix_Safe $d
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty UserAccount $u
$out | add-member noteproperty Permission $f
$out | add-member noteproperty AccessType $g
$Folder_Array += $out
else {
$e2 = $Sec.ToString()
$e2 = $e2.split("\")[1]
$out = new-object psobject
$out | add-member noteproperty Path $a
$out | add-member noteproperty Unix_Safe $d
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty UserAccount $e2
$out | add-member noteproperty Permission $f
$out | add-member noteproperty AccessType $g
$Folder_Array += $out
$Folder_Array | Select Path,UserAccount,Permission,AccessType,Unix_Safe | Export-Csv "$OutPath\folderonly.csv" -NoTypeInformation
The problem isn't so much with how you're doing it, it's more of when you're doing things. Let me explain...
Get-AdGroupMember $Sec -Recursive | ForEach-Object {
$User = ($_.SamAccountName)
foreach ($u in $User) {
$e2 = $u
else {
$e2 = $Sec.ToString()
$e2 = $e2.split("\")[1]
$out = new-object psobject $out | add-member noteproperty Path $a $out | add-member noteproperty Unix_Safe $d $out | Add-Member NoteProperty UserAccount $e2 $out | add-member noteproperty Permission $f $out | add-member noteproperty AccessType $g
$Folder_Array += $out
Given that, if it is a group you are taking all users for the group and setting that array of users to $User
, and then going through that array, and assigning each user, one at a time, to $e2
. Once you're done with that you create your object, and add that object to the array for output.
Let's say that group has 3 users in it, Tom, Dick, and Harvey (Harry was busy, he sent his brother instead). So now:
$User = @("Tom","Dick","Harvey")
Then you cycle through that assigning each to $e2
, which basically comes out to this (some pseudocode here):
If(is a group){
$User = Get-ADGroup |select -expand samaccountname
ForEach($u in $User){
$e2 = "Tom"
<Next item in array>
$e2 = "Dick"
<next item in array>
$e2 = "Harvey"
<No more items in array, end ForEach>
So now when it moves on to create your object $e2 = "Harvey"
and Tom and Dick are just out of luck. To resolve that we have options. Either:
A) Move object creation to inside the If/Else portions of the loop, specifically to create an object every time you assign $e2
, and add those objects to the output array immediately after making them.
B) Make $e2
an array by changing all references to setting it to read either $e2 += $u
or $e2 = ,$Sec.ToString().Split("\")[1]
. And then when you create objects do that like:
ForEach($User in $e2){
$Folder_Array += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
'Path' = $a
'Unix_Safe' = $d
'UserAccount' = $User
'Permission' = $f
'AccessType' = $g