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Django - Tastypie - How can I get query string parameters in my ModelResource Meta class?

I have a Django application which I am writing an API for using Tastypie. I have an endpoint created which calls the code:

class CollectionModelResource(ModelResource):
    """API to retireve ObjInCollection for a specific collection

    class Meta:
        allowed_methods = ['get', 'put']
        authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
        authorization = Authorization()
        queryset = ObjInCollection.objects.filter(collection__collection='mycollection1')
        resource_name = 'objects'

This works well to return all those database records with collection='mycollection1'. However, I would like to pass this mycollection1 value in via the querystring of the request. Yet I can't seem to find an exposed request object within this Meta class.

Is there a way to get the request object from the Meta class inside a ModelResource of Tastypie???


  • Tastypie does not allow this, but you can solve your problem in another way. You should create a custom build_filters() method which allows you to filter the queryset before processing a request see [docs][1].