I want to use the "Monolog -> GelfHandler" in a SF2 project. So I've added the following to my composer.json:
"graylog2/gelf-php": "dev-master"
My SF2 config.yml:
type: gelf
hostname: %Graylog2.Host%
port: %Graylog2.Port%
level: info
formatter: monolog.formatter.session_request
But now, if I want to log something, I get an error in GelfHandler::write()
Gelf\Publisher::publish() must be an instance of Gelf\MessageInterface, string given
What is wrong here?
ok, i will answer my question by my self. the failure is to change the "formatter" or you have to use a formatter is sub-classes from Monolog\Formatter\GelfMessageFormatter.
thx @ all