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Reload Mathjax = forcing typesetting once again

i wanted to reload Mathjax, i.e. force typesetting once again when clicking on a button.

Therefore i wrote the following code:

<button onClick="newTask()"></button>

The reload function contains:

function newTask(){

  // This is a function creating a new task, i.e. replacing HTML between some tags


 // Now i want to renew typesetting by calling Mathjax


My script did not work. Where do I have to put the line "MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub]);" ? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)


  • I have no idea why it works now or did not before, but i changed the setup to the following:

    inside the html file:

    <button onClick="createBasicTask()">

    where createBasicTask() is a new version of newTask()

    and in the js file:

    function createBasicTask(){

    with newTypeset being

    function newTypeset(){

    if you are interested, the whole script will be a task generator, the full source can be viewed here: Source

    Live Demo (first task): Demo