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Why additional #import in bridging header failed in swift?

Before I added a new dependency to my test project via CocoaPods, I have already added a C header file ('wahoo.h') and exposed it to the swift code via a bridging header file "wahoo-Bridging-Header.h". The test app could be compiled and run without any problem.

Then I added a new dependency 'STHTTPRequest' to my project. You can see the list of file here:

enter image description here

If I added this line:

#include <STHTTPRequest/STHTTPRequest.h>

It will fail to compile with this error message:

enter image description here

I have tried a few alternatives but they all failed:

#include "STHTTPRequest.h"

#import "STHTTPRequest.h"

Apparently I cannot have more than one bridging header file in a project. How can I fix this import problem?

EDIT I can get around the problem if I copy the header file from Pods into SO1 and add #include "SO1/STHTTPRequest.h" to the bridging header. It is not an ideal solution.

How can I automate the copying of header files? Or alternatively how can make header files in Pods accessible to SO1?


  • This works:

    #include <STHTTPRequest.h>