I am using Quickfixn to create Buy side application and using the Quickfix 4.4.I am looking for creation of Confirmation message( type 'AK' ) and ConfirmationAck message [type 'AU'].Can anyone tell me how is the flow of the confirmation message[type 'AK'] and ConfirmationAck [type 'AU']?? And can anyone also provide me with sample Confirmation message and ConfirmationAck message or the links,websites regarding it???
I am currently dealing with Allocation Instruction(J) messages which send out AK and AU messages. You send acoss a new trade message to your counterparty(broker). Your broker sends and ack(P) and tries to fulfill your order.
When the order is fulfilled, they will send across AK to confirm your order has been fulfilled. Next step is you decide if you accept the allocations assigned to you. If you are happy/not happy with the allocations you send across AU saying you accept(reject) the allocations and want the allocations to be redone, if required. This is how the message flows.