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How can I gracefully shut down RawCap?

I'm using RawCap to capture packets sent from my dev machine (one app) to itself (another app). I can get it to write the captures to a file like so:

RawCap.exe piratedPackets.pcap

...and then open the *.pcap file in Wireshark to examine the details. This worked when I called my REST method from Postman, but when using Fiddler's Composer tab to attempt the same, the *.pcap file ends up being empty. I think this may be because my way of shutting down RawCap was rather raw itself - I simply closed the command prompt. Typing "exit" does nothing while it's busy capturing.

How can I make like a modern-day Mansel Alcantra if I the captured packets sink to the bottom of the ocean before I can plunder the booty? How can I gracefully shut RawCap down so that it (hopefully) saves its contents to the log (*.pcap) file?


  • RawCap is gracefully closed by hitting Ctrl + C. Doing so will flush all packets from memory to disk.

    You can also tell RawCap to only capture a certain number if packets (using -c argument) or end sniffing after a certain number of seconds (using -s argument). Here's one example using -s to sniff for 60 seconds:

    RawCap.exe -s 60 piratedPackets.pcap

    Finally, if none of the above methods is available for you, then you might wanna use the -f switch. By using -f all captured packets will be flushed to disk immediately. However, this has a performance impact, so you run a greater risk of missing/dropping packets when sniffing with the -f switch.

    You can run RawCap.exe --help to show the available command line arguments. They are also documented here: