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C# WPF Array of nested classes with image

I am struggling to teach myself C#, and long googling has not turned up this answer:

I have a classes Rom, Game and Art. Rom.Game.Art is for images and is defined thus:

public class art
    public Image Screen { get; set; }
    public Image Marquis { get; set; }
    public Image Logo { get; set; }

    public art ()
        BitmapImage Default_image = new BitmapImage();
        Default_image.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\Users\Major Major\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\Robin\Robin\images\bee_ace.png", UriKind.Absolute);

        this.Screen = new Image();
        this.Screen.Source = Default_image;
        this.Marquis = new Image();
        this.Marquis.Source = Default_image;
        this.Logo = new Image();
        this.Logo.Source = Default_image;

I want to create an array of Roms, and populate the many nested properties and subclasses from a DataTable in a loop. Before I get into the loop, though, I just want to get a block of test code to work. The following works just fine:

        BitmapImage Image_0 = new BitmapImage();

        Image_0.UriSource = new Uri(@"E:\Arcade\Art\Box\Intellivision\Congo Bongo.jpg", UriKind.Absolute);

        ROMS.Insert(0, new Rom());

        ROMS[0].Name = "Congo Bongo";
        ROMS[0].Game.Art.Screen.Source = Image_0;
        ROMS[0].Game.Date = "1983";
        ROMS[0].Game.Platform = "Intellivision";

        ROM_list.ItemsSource = ROMS;

My complaint is that, if I put this in a loop, all of the images in the array will be the same--they will be the last image entered. It seems the expression "ROMS[0].Game.Art.Screen.Source = Image_0;" ties ROMS[0].Game.Art.Screen.Source to the variable Image_0, rather than just transferring the value (this seems like surprising behavior to me, but no worries). So that in order to keep populating ROMS[j].Game.Art.Screen.Source, I have to create an array of BitmapImages separate from the ROM array as a reference. What I'd prefer is to instantiate(?) the BitmapImages within the array, like this:

        ROMS[0].Game.Art.Screen.Source = new BitmapImage();
        ROMS[0].Game.Art.Screen.Source.UriSource = new Uri(@"E:\Arcade\Art\Box\Intellivision\Congo Bongo.jpg", UriKind.Absolute);

This doesn't work. Rom.Game.Art.Screen.Source is not a BitMapImage, and I cannot find the methods to assign an image to it.

So my questions, specifically: 1. Is there a way to assign an image source to ROMS[0].Game.Art.Screen.Source without creating a separate BitmapImage that lives on separately, or is that stupid?

  1. Is there a smarter way to do what I'm trying to do?

  2. Is there a reference to help me understand the relationships between the myriad image classes in C#?

Sorry for the wordy question, and thanks.


  • I think you should do some review about DataBinding. You will save more time.

    You just need create something like the models:

    ROM.Game.Art.Screen.Path ="meuPath.Jpg";

    myItemSource = ROMS;

    and in the end, do something like:

                <ItemsControl x:Name="myItemSource">
                        <TextBlock Text="{Binding ROM.Game.Art.Screen.Name}"/>
                        <Image Source="{Binding ROM.Game.Art.Screen.Path,Converter=MyConverterImageToPath"/>