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Strange Behaviour of Rich Text Editor with Umbraco

I am using Umbraco 7.1 and Archetype 1.4.1 Beta,

Now what is my actual problem is when I am creating the new DataType that can allow to use Multiple Controls With + Sign (i.e, Textstring and RichTextbox Editor).

When I am trying to use Rich Text Editor inside the Archetype using Customer Control which contains RTE (RichTextbox Editor and Textstring) it throws error whenever I am Clicking Save and Publish.

My issue in the Below Image

enter image description here

And the Jquery Giving me erros in console is

enter image description here

Anyone one can help me in this!. Thanks


  • There is no solution for RTE to use into the 7.1.0 Version of the Umbraco for that they have Resolved the issues with the Umbraco 7.1.3 and 7.1.2.

    I have asked the Question on Below Link and Found the Solution for using multiple RTE with Single Control.
