I'm working on creating maxima functions to simplify the del operator on vectors. How can I pass a list/vector to a function in maxima? This works:
(%i7) dot(a,b) := a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2]+a[3]*b[3];
(%o7) dot(a, b) := a b + a b + a b
1 1 2 2 3 3
(%i8) dot(a,b);
(%o8) 3 x y - 4 x
but this doesn't:
(%i13) grad(a) := diff(a[1],x) + diff(a[2],y) + diff(a[3],z);
define: argument cannot be an atom or a subscripted memoizing function; found:
-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
Maxima has extremely confusing rules about scope and subscripts. First of all, I'll apologize for that.
My guess is that you already have an array named a
by the time you define grad
. Try a different name for the argument of grad
-- try something which you haven't used yet. Does it work that way?
Anyway, shouldn't the definition be:
grad(a) := [diff(a, x), diff(a, y), diff(a, z)];