My filetree looks somewhat like this:
Each sub-directory contains other files related to the source, so i want some structure. Since i have many foos and even more bars, i thought of a pattern rule:
PROGS=foo bar
all : $(PROGS)
% :: src/%/%.c
@echo $@ $<
Unfortunately make does not recognize this as a valid pattern:
make: *** No rule to make target `foo', needed by `all'. Stop.
However, If I keep all files in just the src/ directory, a single % works as expected:
% :: src/%.c
@echo $@ $<
foo src/foo
bar src/bar
Is there a way to do this without giving up the structure?
Use vpath:
PROGS=foo bar
all : $(PROGS)
% : %.c
@echo $@ $<
vpath %.c src/foo src/bar
And if you want to put the binaries in build/bin/
PROGS = build/bin/foo build/bin/bar
all : $(PROGS)
build/bin/% : %.c
@echo $@ $<
vpath %.c src/foo src/bar