Is it possible to adjust the alpha using the Accelerate framework based on the pixels RGB value?
Specifically I want to set the Alpha to 0
if the color is black (RGB 0/0/0
Not with Accelerate. In CoreGraphics, you can set a masking color, if you like.
Strictly speaking, if you set a masking color on a CGImageRef and then decode it to pixels with vImageBufer_InitWithCGImage, it should do that which /might/ qualify. However, CG is doing the masking work in that case.
You can file a Radar asking for it. It hasn't been a priority so far because the alpha you get is not anti-aliased.
typedef __attribute__ ((ext_vector_type( 4),__aligned__( 16))) uint32_t uint4;
// ARGB example (on little endian processor):
// uint4 result = maskByColor( pixels, (uint4)0, (uint4) 0x000000ff );
uint4 maskByColor( uint4 fourPixels, uint4 maskColor, uint4 alphaMask ){
return fourPixels & ~(maskColor == (fourPixels & ~alphaMask));