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can controllers create arbitrary properties in the $rootScope in Angular

Is it legal for a controller to do something like this in Angular?

       $rootScope.someArbitaryObject = ["fee", "fie", "fo", "fum];


      $ = {name: "Jane Q. Public", favoriteColor: "green"}


  • Yes, it is legal but only if you want ALL controllers to have access to that model.

    A better practice is to use services that you can then inject to one or more controllers:

    var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
    myApp.factory('MyService', function () {
      return { message: "I'm data from a service" };
    myApp.controller('FirstCtrl', function($scope, MyService) {
      $ = MyService;
    myApp.controller('SecondCtrl', function($scope, MyService) {
      $ = MyService;

    Any change you make to MyService properties in one controller will affect all the other controllers that use MyService.