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websphere shared library native path not loading

I am using Websphere Application Server v7.0.0.29 version. My objective is to add some native library into Websphere shared library. On adding the native path in a shared library and referencing it to the application , the corresponding paths are updated properly in AppSrvr/config/cells/CellName/Cluster/library.xml.

However , I could not see the native library paths I added in the SystemOut.log file "Java Library Path" . (Application is not loading the paths ). Also the class loaders are not having it. Even after Referencing . I tried complete shutdown of all WAS and JVM process and restarting , but didnt work.

Please suggest how could I proceed ?

Regards, Chandru


  • I'm sorry I missed to update the solution to this issue. It appeared to be a very peculiar issue. I raised a PMR at IBM and it was resolved by hard restarting the Physical server completely after which the native libraries were loaded fine.

    My guess is that Some other JVM instance of the same JRE were still running , which might have created the issue.

    Anyways if any of you happen to face this issue, hard restarting the server could be a solution to be considered as it resolved in my case.
