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Qt 5.3 QPlainTextEdit implement scroll lock

I'm using Qt 5.3 and a QPlainTextEdit based widget. I append/insert text all time time on it. I want to lock the scrolling if I manually scroll the contents, so the screen keep on the same place (the contents continuing being appended/inserted). I append/insert text on the component by positioning the cursor and using insertText/appendText:

this->cursor.insertText(text, this->format);

Any ideas?


  • My solution of this problem.

    ui->plainTextEdit->insertPlainText("A");//this doesn't have auto scroll
    if(global)//global is bool variable, if it is true, we autoscroll to the bottom
        ui->plainTextEdit->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(ui->plainTextEdit->verticalScrollBar()->maximum());//we auto scroll it everytime


    QTextCursor cursor(ui->plainTextEdit->textCursor());

    Now we do next: when user hover(enter event) plainTextEdit we stop auto-scrolling, when user leave widget, we enable auto scrolling again. I did this by eventFilter, but I hope that you understanf my idea.

    bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
        if(obj==ui->plainTextEdit && (event->type()==QEvent::Enter || event->type()==QEvent::Leave))
            if(event->type()==QEvent::Enter)//user move mouse on widget:stop auto-scrolling
                global =false;
                global =true;// leave event:enable auto-scrolling
            ui->label->setText(event->type()==QEvent::Enter ? "Hovering" : "Not Hovering");//just show it to user, you can delete this line
    return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);