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grails: dont save similar domain object again, use present object

The problem:
I have "route" domain, that has stations (domains).
If I save routes, I should save stations too. (used cascade: 'all' mapping)
But, if station with the same name already exists in DB, I want to use it, and don't create such station anymore.
so the route, I save, must save only new stations.


class Route {
    String name
    List<Station> stations

    static mapping = {
        stations cascade: 'all', lazy: false
    static hasMany = [
        stations: Station

class Station {
   String name


def route = new Route()
route.stations.add(new Station("stationOne"))
route.stations.add(new Station("stationTwo"))
//now in db there are 2 stations. 

//now create new route with 2 stations, with one similar to already saved ('stationOne').
def route2 = new Route()
route2.stations.add(new Station("stationOne")) //<-- this one i want to be replaced
                                               // with the inDB one, if i save the route
                                               // in DB must be only one "stationOne"
                                               // and every route must point to it,
                                               // not own "stationOne", if the route saved
route2.stations.add(new Station("stationThree"))
//now i wish in DB there are only 3 stations.
//and route2 has both from DB. And the reference (in list) from route2 to "stationOne"
//inMemory object is now replaced with reference to inDB station object.

i could write code, like "replaceWithDBStationReferences(route)"
But my project is enough big, for testing such things in code.
is it possible to define this somewhere in domain? or any other solutions?


  • You can make use of the findOrCreate dynamic methods:


    findOrCreateByName is similar to findByName except that where the plain finder would return null (if nothing is found) the findOrCreate will create a new transient instance based on the query parameters, in this case a new Station(name:'stationOne').

    There's also findOrSaveBy... which does the same but also saves the new instance before returning it.