I'm working on a program that asks a user for input regarding recent financial transactions and would like some help on storing the user input into an empty array and being able to display that information when called upon. Right now the empty array (it's actually a hash at the moment) doesn't receive anything.
I'm incredibly green when it comes to programming and Ruby in general and would love any and all help!
###I want transactions (below) to house user_input so that when a user
###chooses 'display' it will return what the user has input.
transactions = {}
puts "What would you like to do?"
puts "-- Type 'add' to add a transaction."
puts "-- Type 'update' to update a transaction."
puts "-- Type 'display' to display all transactions."
puts "-- Type 'delete' to delete a transaction."
choice = gets.chomp.downcase
case choice
when 'add'
puts "What transaction would you like to add?"
user_input = gets.chomp
if transactions[user_input.to_sym].nil?
puts "What's the rating? (Type a number 0 to 4.)"
rating = gets.chomp
transactions[user_input.to_sym] = rating.to_i
puts "#{user_input} has been added with a rating of #{rating}."
puts "That transaction already exists! Its rating is #{transactions[title.to_sym]}."
when 'update'
puts "What transaction do you want to update?"
user_input = gets.chomp
if transaction[title.to_sym].nil?
puts "Transaction not found!"
puts "What's the new rating? (Type a number 0 to 4.)"
rating = gets.chomp
transactions[title.to_sym] = rating.to_i
puts "#{user_input} has been updated with new rating of #{rating}."
when 'display'
transactions.each do |receipt, rating| ###figure out how to change this so that the
puts "#{receipt}: #{rating}" ###user's input is returned
when 'delete'
puts "What transaction do you want to delete?"
user_input = gets.chomp
if transactions[user_input.to_sym].nil?
puts "Transaction not found!"
puts "#{user_input} has been removed."
puts "Sorry, I didn't understand you."
Setting aside how you get user input, you may find that you're simply using the wrong type of object to store your data. For example, consider the following rewrite using an Array of Struct objects.
require 'pp'
class Transaction < Struct.new(:title, :rating)
transactions = []
transactions.push(Transaction.new 'example1', 1)
transactions.push(Transaction.new 'example2', 3.5)
pp transactions
t = transactions.find { |s| s.title == 'example1' }
t.rating = 4
pp transactions
You could extend Transaction to solicit user input directly, sanitize member values, or use something like highline to create a menu of some sort. In my opinion, the details of this don't really matter as much as being able to set and retrieve members of your Struct in a sensible and consistent fashion, but your mileage may vary.