I am currently setting up a PHP 5.2 server (yes I know, but it is actually needed in this case) but I keep getting an error:
configure: error: Cannot find libmysqlclient under /usr.
The command that I am running is:
./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql --with-libdir
I have installed libmysqlclient and when I run
locate libmysqlclient
I get results returned, although none of them are the file libmysqlclient (the closest is libmysqlclient.a)
I would greatly appreciate any help that can be provided.
Try using the DIR directive
--with-mysql --with-libdir=/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
From Cannot find libmysqlclient under /usr. while build PHP 5.2 from source on Ubuntu 12.4
Updated from your comment!