While developing wear application,Every time i am following steps
Every time doing like this very difficult. I want to know how to develop wear app in debug mode not in release mode.
I mean How to run handled app directly from eclipse to run wear app with out any signing procedure every time.
I found this from developer site. http://developer.android.com/training/wearables/apps/packaging.html
You do not need to sign your project, all you do is go to your avd manager and open your android wear emulator or have your android wear device connected to your computer(make sure you have the correct drivers for the device I am not sure because i usually an emulator). Then once that is up and running, run your main activity and eclipse will give you the option on which device to run your activity on. Select android wear, and soon your activity will be running on your wear device/emulator.
This website has all lot of useful info for these types of questions http://developer.android.com/training/building-wearables.html