I'm using win7-32bit + cmake + vs2013's NMake.exe to build exe, I need the exe be able to run on WinXP, I know how to do that with vs2013 IDE(set the Platform-Toolset to v120xp), but I'm not using the IDE, I just use its NMake. This is how I generate the project file and exe:
build> cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
build> nmake
Question 1: In the CMakeLists.txt, how to set it use v120xp?
Question 2: Is it necessary to build all static lib with the v120xp? Or just the exe?
Try setting CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET. It allows selecting the toolset for Genertors that support it. Generators that support Toolsets are Visual Studio and XCode.
Your call to CMake should look like this:
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET=v120_xp ..
Update 1: As pointed out in the comments NMake doesn't support Toolsets
Thes solution is to specify
for console applications, or
for windows applications.