Search code examples

RowClick and find does not work in Devexpress XtraGrid Sub Levels

I have populated a XtraGrid view with two leves.I can work with main level fine but when I want to find in second level by code or even I add an Event like OnRowClick or sth like that for sublevels it does not work.Does any one has my problems? for example the name of gridview in sublevel is GridProperty..this code does not work


or even events does not fire

private void GridProperty_RowClick(object sender, RowClickEventArgs e){}

Here is how I populate my gridview

 string owner = "SELECT [OBJECTID],[Name] ,[Family] ,[Father] ,[shenasname],[Dftarche] ,[Birthday] ,[education] ,[home_address] ,[farm_address] ,[ensurance] ,[phone] ,[home_number] ,[owner_id],[sodor] ,[shahr],[bakhsh]  ,[dehestan]   ,[rosta]    ,[kodPosti] FROM [dbo].[OWNER]";
        string strConnString = Properties.Settings.Default.land_gisConnectionString;

        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strConnString);
        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(owner, con);
        SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
         dsMain = new System.Data.DataSet();
        adapter.SelectCommand = command;
        adapter.Fill(dsMain, "First Table");
        DataRelation newRelation = new DataRelation("املاک شخصی", dsMain.Tables["First Table"].Columns["owner_id"], dsMain.Tables["Table1"].Columns["owner_ID"]);


        GridAttrebuteTable.DataSource = dsMain.Tables[0];

        GridOwners.Columns["shahr"].Visible = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["bakhsh"].Visible = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["dehestan"].Visible = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["rosta"].Visible = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["kodPosti"].Visible = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["sodor"].Visible = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["sodor"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["shahr"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["bakhsh"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["dehestan"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
        GridOwners.Columns["rosta"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;

        GridOwners.Columns["kodPosti"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;


  • There are no problems with sublevels. You must check the following:
    0. For ColumnView.ApplyFindFilter method check the ColumnView.OptionsFind.FindFilterColumns property. According to documentation:

    If the FindFilterColumns property is set to "*", the Find Panel performs searches against all visible columns.

    To explicitly specify search columns, set the FindFilterColumns property to a string consisting of the corresponding field names delimited by a semicolon (without space characters): "Name;Value;Description".

    So, if your FindFilterColumn property is set to wrong value then ApplyFindFilter method will not work.
    1. For GridView.RowClick event according to documentation:

    The RowClick event will not fire when clicking on a row cell, if data editing is enabled and the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property is set to MouseDown (and to Default if multiple row selection is disabled).

    So, check your ColumnView.OptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property and set it to EditorShowMode.Click.
    2. Check the GridLevelNode.RelationName. It must be equal to RelationName in your underlying DataSource:

    DataRelation newRelation = new DataRelation("املاک شخصی", dsMain.Tables["First Table"].Columns["owner_id"], dsMain.Tables["Table1"].Columns["owner_ID"]);
    gridControl.LevelTree.Nodes[0].RelationName = "املاک شخصی";