This code actually is working fine but the output showing is different because the excel sheet were present in some values like int, float but after running the script the output showing like given below. I dont need .0 with that value. I want exact values which is there in input.
Rows Column 2 6
a cd 21
b cd 11 4
c cd 22 3
s cd 4.1 2
e cd 4 1
This is the code which showing some wrong value
import xlrd
import xlwt
print sh.nrows
print sh.ncols
for n in range(sh.nrows):
for i in range(sh.ncols):
data =sh.cell_value(n,i)
print data,
file.write(str(data)+" ")
Please help me for this issue. I need that whatever it is in excel that should be present in out. This is the output for the above code
Excel treats all numbers as floats. So xlrd
is reading all of them as floats and giving them as it is.
A simple workaround for this is to check if a cell
has a float
data type & has no floating value, then convert it to int
if isinstance(cell, float) and cell.is_integer():
cell = int(cell)
So, your code becomes, something like this.
import xlrd
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('data.xls')
worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
num_rows = worksheet.nrows
num_cells = worksheet.ncols
curr_row = -1
with open("xxx.txt", "w") as fh:
for row in range(num_rows):
for column in range(num_cells):
data = worksheet.cell_value(row, column)
if isinstance(data, float) and data.is_integer():
data = int(data)
fh.write(str(data) + " ")
And the output will be:
Rows Column 34.5 6
a cd 54 5
b cd 22.3 4
c cd 56 3
s cd 677.1 2
e cd 32 1
Note: If your input file has floating numbers like 6.0
they will be converted to 6
by default.