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How do I discover the underlying query of a materialized view I created?

I created a materialized view in Postgres 9.3 but I have since lost the underlying SELECT query that created it. I would like to DROP the materialized view, rewrite the query to include more data, and then CREATE a materialized view of the same name but with a new underlying query.


  • Just:

    SELECT pg_get_viewdef('myview');

    from the client of your choice.

    e.g. in psql:

    test=> CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW fred AS SELECT x FROM generate_series(1,100) x;
    SELECT 100
    test=> \a\t
    Output format is unaligned.
    Showing only tuples.
    test=> SELECT pg_get_viewdef('fred');
     SELECT x.x
       FROM generate_series(1, 100) x(x);

    This works for normal and materialized views.

    Alternately, as Richard says, use psql's \d+, which calls pg_get_viewdef behind the scenes.