I made a fuzzy template that will represent a student's knowledge in a certain domain. Problem is that upon declaring a student John
as low
, he will also be declared as med
because low students are also med between 30 and 40.
How can I declare a student as being low
, without being med
Note that I know I can do something like (student (name John) (knowledge (20 0) (21 1) (22 0)))
, but what if I want to declare him using the fuzzy value?
(deftemplate fz-knowledge
0 100
( (low (20 1) (40 0))
(med (30 0) (50 1) (70 0))
(high (60 0) (80 1))
(deftemplate student
(slot name)
(slot knowledge (type FUZZY-VALUE fz-knowledge))
(deffacts students
(student (name John) (knowledge low) )
By having overlapping ranges it kind of makes sense. But maybe overlapping isn't what you want to do. What about:
(deftemplate fz-knowledge
0 100
( (low (20 1) (40 0))
(high (60 0) (80 1))
(med NOT [ low OR high ] )
That way, you can clearly tell when a score is low, or high, and the loosy-goosy med
just fills in the cracks.