I have a core-menu
containing a pair of paper-item
I'm trying to remove the core-menu
margin, but setting it to 0 does nothing. How can I remove it?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="packages/web_components/platform.js"></script>
<script src="packages/web_components/dart_support.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="packages/core_elements/core_menu.html">
<link rel="import" href="packages/paper_elements/paper_item.html">
html, body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
core-menu {
margin: 0;
paper-item {
background-color: #00ff00;
<paper-item label="One"></paper-item>
<paper-item label="Two"></paper-item>
<script type="application/dart">export 'package:polymer/init.dart';</script>
The selectivity of your selector used to change the value must be higher than the selectivity of the selector used to set the original value.
I was able to remove the margin using
core-menu#menu {
margin: 0;
<core-menu id="menu">
<paper-item label="One"></paper-item>
<paper-item label="Two"></paper-item>
For testing purposes you can also use !important
core-menu {
margin: 0 !important;
but it is strongly advised not to use it in production if you don't have to.
It makes your CSS hard to maintain.
For more details see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Specificity