I'm trying to use Bullet physic engine to create a 3D world.
I've got my character with a Capsule shape on his body and my ground his made of some static blocs stick together, here is a schema to illustrate my words:
The problem is present when my character run from one block to another: Bullet detect a collision and my character start to jump a little bit on y-axis.
How can I avoid the problem?
What I did to overcome this issue is the following:
Instead of have the capsule slide on the ground, I had a dynamic capsule ride on top of a spring. I implemented the spring as several ray casts originating from bottom of the capsule. The length of the spring was like half a meter or less and it would pull and push the capsule to and from the ground. The grip/pull is important so the character wouldn't jump unexpectedly. The springs stiffness controls how much bobbing you have.
This had the following effects
I had to play around a lot with the stiffness of the spring, the length of the spring, the length of the grip etc. but in the end I was very happy about how simple yet well this worked.