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PEP-8 for function calls

I recently started working with Python/Django and I heard about the PEP 8 conventions. After having read PEP8 I had a better sense how to 'style' my code but I learned programming with Java and I used to just do whatever I like. Could you suggest how to put my example into PEP-8? much appreciated.

result = urllib.urlretrieve(
                                            'gravatar_id': hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest(),
                                            'size': srt(size)


  • Try downloading code style linters such as pep8 (a program which checks your code to see if it matches PEP 8 requirements) or pylint. You can find a more comprehensive list and comparison of Python style checkers here: What are the comprehensive lint checkers for Python?

    In fact, there's a pep8 checker available online:

    If we run your code through that, it tells you:

    Code    Line  Column    Text 
    E126    2     29        continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
    E225    2     70        missing whitespace around operator
    E126    4     45        continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
    E501    4     80        line too long (90 > 79 characters)
    W292    7     30        no newline at end of file 

    The fixed version of your code would look more like this:

    result = urllib.urlretrieve(
        "" +
            'gravatar_id': hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest(),
            'size': srt(size)

    In essence, the main PEP 8 violation you had was that you were indenting too much. A single indent is fine -- you don't need to align to the opening paren of the function calls. Python is also insistent that your lines don't go beyond 80 characters, but fixing the over-indentation also fixed that issue.