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Autonumbering Rows in mysql view in cycles

Hi I am trying to achieve rows auto numbering in cycles in a mysql view. I did start with Pure-SQL Technique for Auto-Numbering Rows in Result Set and got it to work. Then I tried tweaking it and got ALMOST there.... and now I am stuMainmped

the view lists dogs (CaneID) and their ascendants(AvoID). What I would like to achieve is for the numbering to resart every time the main dog (CaneID) changes so I would have each ascendant belonging to a dog number from 1 on.

So far it is working only for the first dog, the following are still numbered in sequence but do not start from 1.

This is my view query:

        `v_avi_ripetuti` `Avi2`
             (`avi2`.`Ripetuto` > 1)
            AND (`avi2`.`CaneID` <= `avi1`.`CaneID`)
            AND (`avi2`.`AvoID` <= `avi1`.`AvoID`)

) AS `RowNumber`
`v_avi_ripetuti` `Avi1`
(`avi1`.`Ripetuto` > 1)

What I am getting at this point is:

CaneID  Cane         AvoID  Avo                             RowNumber
2       Antigua      472    Anika v. Stammhaus Eike         1
2       Antigua      527    Britta v.d. Römerlinde          2
2       Antigua      642    Ares v. Nettenberg              3
2       Antigua      657    Carmen v. Westfalenzwinger      4
2       Antigua      658    Leu v. Stammhaus Eike           5
2       Antigua      684    Chipsy v. Theresienhof          6
2       Antigua      1662   Astrit v.d. Burrlinde           7
-----------------------> New Main dog<-------------------------------
3       Ambra Gaya   472    Anika v. Stammhaus Eike         2
3       Ambra Gaya   657    Carmen v. Westfalenzwinger      6
3       Ambra Gaya   658    Leu v. Stammhaus Eike           8
3       Ambra Gaya   684    Chipsy v. Theresienhof          10
3       Ambra Gaya   718    Leo v. guten Löwen              11
3       Ambra Gaya   1022   Zara v. Ratibor u. Corvey       12
3       Ambra Gaya   1024   Ruth v. Ratibor u. Corvey       13
3       Ambra Gaya   1050   Dunja v. Hofoldinger Forst      14
3       Ambra Gaya   1200   Icksle v. Ratibor u. Corvey     15
3       Ambra Gaya   1227   Troldegaards Tanja              16
3       Ambra Gaya   1228   Anemone v. Ratibor u. Corvey    17
-----------------------> New Main dog<-------------------------------
3371    Always Habit 600    Absinthe v. Kallenberg          4
3371    Always Habit 750    Mathoaka's Relaxing Boy         13
3371    Always Habit 2560   Leijonamielen Luvaton Lyyli     21

I am very new to mysql (installed it a week ago) and trying very hard to leave access behind....please be patient.


  • I DID IT!!!!!!! I used the function SUM() instead of COUNT(). This is my mysql View Code in case someone else can use it:

                IF (
                            `avi2`.`CaneID` = `avi1`.`CaneID`
                        AND (`avi2`.`AvoID` <= `avi1`.`AvoID`)
            `v_avi_ripetuti` `Avi2`
            (`avi2`.`Ripetuto` > 1)
    ) AS `NumRiga`
    `v_avi_ripetuti` `Avi1`
    (`avi1`.`Ripetuto` > 1)

    and this gives me the desired result of:

     CaneID  Cane         AvoID  Avo                             RowNumber
     2       Antigua      472    Anika v. Stammhaus Eike         1
     2       Antigua      527    Britta v.d. Römerlinde          2
     2       Antigua      642    Ares v. Nettenberg              3
     2       Antigua      657    Carmen v. Westfalenzwinger      4
     2       Antigua      658    Leu v. Stammhaus Eike           5
     2       Antigua      684    Chipsy v. Theresienhof          6
     2       Antigua      1662   Astrit v.d. Burrlinde           7
     -----------------------> New Main dog<-------------------------------
     3       Ambra Gaya   472    Anika v. Stammhaus Eike         1
     3       Ambra Gaya   657    Carmen v. Westfalenzwinger      2
     3       Ambra Gaya   658    Leu v. Stammhaus Eike           3
     3       Ambra Gaya   684    Chipsy v. Theresienhof          4
     3       Ambra Gaya   718    Leo v. guten Löwen              5
     3       Ambra Gaya   1022   Zara v. Ratibor u. Corvey       6
     3       Ambra Gaya   1024   Ruth v. Ratibor u. Corvey       7
     3       Ambra Gaya   1050   Dunja v. Hofoldinger Forst      8
     3       Ambra Gaya   1200   Icksle v. Ratibor u. Corvey     9
     3       Ambra Gaya   1227   Troldegaards Tanja              10
     3       Ambra Gaya   1228   Anemone v. Ratibor u. Corvey    11
     -----------------------> New Main dog<-------------------------------
     3371    Always Habit 600    Absinthe v. Kallenberg          1
     3371    Always Habit 750    Mathoaka's Relaxing Boy         2
     3371    Always Habit 2560   Leijonamielen Luvaton Lyyli     3