I'm trying to do a connect pairs jQuery quiz, I found jsPlumb, but I'm trying to connect each question to an answer.
Here is my code: http://jsfiddle.net/xzf0ffcu/17/
instance.makeSource("sourceWindow1", {
filter:function(evt, el) {
var t = evt.target || evt.srcElement;
return t.tagName !== "A";
Does anybody has an idea how to do this?
You can add a simple loop that seems to work to allow you to connect all the questions to an answer. http://jsfiddle.net/xzf0ffcu/18/
My update was to basically add the below function...
for(QuestionCounter=1; QuestionCounter<=NumberOfQuestions; QuestionCounter++)
I also had to update your variable names for the questions so they worked dynamically...
var state = instance.toggleSourceEnabled("sourceWindow"+QuestionCounter);