i want to show the amazon customer review on my magento site ... i searched a lot and i found some links which showing me the steps for this..
<iframe src="http://www.amazon.com/reviews/iframe?akid=[AWS Access Key ID]&asin=0316067938&exp=2011-08-01T17%3A54%3A07Z&linkCode=xm2&summary=0&tag=ws&truncate=256&v=2&sig=[Signature]" />
In this iframe AWSAccessKeyId and Signature is using .... i got the AWSAccessKeyId but i haven't found the Signature.
so please can you tell me, from where i get the Signature key of amazon.
We can easily get the customer review by using Amazon-ECS-PHP-Library .By Using this class the app generates an URL to an Amazon page with only the reviews on it , based on its ISBN number.
The code
# see comment above about 10 and 13 digit ISBNs
if($reviews = getAmazonReviews($book['ISBN_10']))
$amazonReviewsIframe = $reviews;
$asin = isbnToAsin($book['ISBN_13']);
$amazonReviewsIframe = getAmazonReviews($asin);
echo "<a class='fboxEdit' href='$amazonReviewsIframe'>Amazon</a>";
# get the first two values from the Product Advertising API,
# last 2 values are needed for Amazon-ECS-PHP-Library
define("COUNTRY_CODE", "com");
define("ASSOC_TAG", "myrealis");
function amazonApi()
# https://github.com/Exeu/Amazon-ECS-PHP-Library/blob/master/lib/AmazonECS.class.php
require_once 'AmazonECS.class.php';
return $client;
function getAmazonReviews($asin)
$client = amazonApi();
$response = $client->category('Books')->responseGroup('Reviews')->search($asin);
if($response->Items->Item->ASIN == $asin)
return $response->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->IFrameURL;
return False;
function isbnToAsin($isbn)
$client = amazonApi();
# I extended the AmazonECS.class with the "lookupIsbn" function
$response = $client->category('Books')->lookupIsbn($isbn);
if(isset($response->Items->Item->ASIN)) {
return $response->Items->Item->ASIN;
} else {
return False;
# added inside the AmazonECS.class
public function lookupIsbn($isbn)
$params = $this->buildRequestParams('ItemLookup', array(
'ItemId' => $isbn, 'IdType' => 'ISBN', 'SearchIndex' => 'Books'
return $this->returnData(
$this->performSoapRequest("ItemLookup", $params)
Please check this link, for more details.. Show Amazon book reviews on your site with the Product Advertising API