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Xquery : querying xml with key value pair in t-sql

In the below code block I'm able to query till DataElements. for below xml

DECLARE @xmlString XML;
SELECT @xmlString='<Activity xmlns:i="">
  <DataElements xmlns:a="">
        <Value>06/19/2014 10:57:47</Value>

> below XQery

SELECT @xmlString.query('for $activity in /Activity
let $activityId := $activity/DataElements

return data($activityId)
') AS [activityId]

is giving me the result:

AgentIdStringAgentIdabc\xyxaaPhoneCallStartTimeStringPhoneCallStartTime06/19/2014 10:57:47

But what I want is if I pass AgentId , I should get abc\xyxaa and if I pass PhoneCallStartTime, I should get 06/19/2014 10:57:47. Please help


  • Use predicates and axis steps to select and filter the results. Similar to the code you used:

    for $activity in /Activity
    return data($activity/DataElements//a:Value[Name="PhoneCallStartTime"]/Value)

    There is a namespace involved here. You either have to

    • declare the namespace a=" or
    • ignore the namespace of the element and use the wildcard namespace operator *: instead of a: for the Value element.