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Wierd XML not being parsed

I'm facing a strange problem with parsing xml with libxmljs. It's not my first XML to parse and I've done quite a number of them, but this one acts really strange.

I'm having these namespaces:

var nsUri = {
        "xmlns:SOAP-ENV": "",
        "xmlns:SIG": ""

And doing this:

var xmlDoc = xmljs.parseXml(providerResponse);
var ShopOptions = xmlDoc.find('//ShopOptions/ShopOption',self.provider.nsUri);

Which results in zero length array. I'm trying to go for different xquery stings: */ShopOption, //ShopOption etc. But nothing works out.


  • The <ShopOption/> element inherits the namespace of its <SIG_Response/> ancestor, You already declared that namespace, but also have to use it.


    The other two queries you tried also don't use namespaces. */ShopOption looks for all second-level <ShopOption/> children starting at the current context, probably the root here; //ShopOption also searches for elements without namespace.