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text formatting in QTextEdit in pyqt

I'm new to PyQt programming and I've developed a GUI using PyQt4 designer and the GUI looks like the one in the picture: enter image description here

When I click the check_inertia button the QTextEdit widget gets populated with the text shown in the picture. As we can see that the text appears to be messy, I need to control the formatting of the QTextEdit.

The check_inertia button reads the contents of a .txt file and then prints the following information in the QTextEdit widget, the text file appears to be in this way of format:

*  ============================== INERTIA ==============================
* File: /home/hamanda/Desktop/transfer/cradle_vs30_dkaplus01_fwd_dl140606_fem140704_v00.bif
* Solver: Nastran
* Date: 02/09/14
* Time: 08:35:30
* Text: 
* Area                               +1.517220e+06
* Volume                             +5.852672e+06
* Structural mass                    +4.594348e-02
* MASS elements                      +0.000000e+00
* NSM on property entry              +0.000000e+00
* NSM by parts (VMAGen and MPBalanc) +0.000000e+00
* NSM by NSMCreate                   +0.000000e+00
* Total mass                         +4.594348e-02
* Center of gravity
* in the global         +1.538605e+02  +3.010898e+00  -2.524868e+02
* coordinate system
* Moments of inertia    +8.346990e+03  +6.187810e-01  +1.653922e+03
* about the global      +6.187810e-01  +5.476398e+03  +4.176218e+01
* coordinate system     +1.653922e+03  +4.176218e+01  +7.746156e+03
* Steiner share         +2.929294e+03  +4.016500e+03  +1.088039e+03
* Moments of inertia    +5.417696e+03  +2.190247e+01  -1.308790e+02
* about the center      +2.190247e+01  +1.459898e+03  +6.835397e+00
* of gravity            -1.308790e+02  +6.835397e+00  +6.658117e+03
*  ---------------------------------------------------------------------

So how can I get the exact formatting as seen above into the QTextEdit of the GUI. what should I use? Stylesheets? Help me with this


  • Please use font monospace or consola or other font is use in console or programming. Your can set in style sheet;

    QTextEdit {
        font: 10pt "Consolas";

    put in your QTextEdit;

    yourQTextEdit.setStyleSheet ('''
        QTextEdit {
            font: 10pt "Consolas";

    Note : QPlainTextEdit also can use this and I recommend use this for show raw text only and implement same QTextEdit.