I've got some code that looks sort of like this, ignoring all the code that isn't relevant to my question:
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as Reader
data FooEnv = FooEnv { bar :: Int -> Int }
type FooReader = Reader.Reader FooEnv
foo :: Int -> FooReader String
foo i = Reader.liftM show $ bar' i
bar' i' = do
bar'' <- Reader.asks bar
return $ bar'' i'
Is there a way to refactor this? Specifically, the nested bar'
function is bothering me most. Can this be condensed to one line?
We can do a little equational reasoning. First let's look at bar'
. I'll write it in this form
asks bar >>= \z -> return (z i)
It turns out that liftM
is defined to be liftM f m = m >>= \a -> return (f a)
which fits the pattern above. So let's replace it with
liftM ($ i) (asks bar)
Then we have foo
as being
liftM show (liftM ($ i) (asks bar))
Or, written out a bit particularly
liftM show . liftM ($ i) $ asks bar
If we know that liftM
is fmap
we might recognize the Functor
law at play here
fmap show . fmap ($ i) $ asks bar -- equals
fmap (show . ($ i)) $ asks bar
I'm not personally a big fan of using ($ i)
as a function, so let's rewrite it as an explicit lambda
fmap (\f -> show (f i)) (asks bar)
Now, we could decide to eliminate the asks
by using bar
at the call site (i.e. use bar
as a function of type bar :: FooEnv -> Int -> Int
fmap (\f -> show (bar f i)) ask
and as a final trick, we could use flip
to go pointless in the fmap
ped function and even return the use of asks
(thanks Ørjan Johansen)
fmap (show . flip bar i) ask -- or even
show . flip bar i <$> ask -- or even
asks (show . flip bar i)
I'm not saying this is the most readable or wonderful way to perform this task, but you can see how we can just whittle down the pieces using equational reasoning.