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Phonegap device AMD module

Here is my code which suppose to handle device and network events for my phonegap application

define(['jquery', 'knockout'], function ($, ko) {
var deviceHandler = {
    Online: null,
    Offline: null,
    OnNavigateBack: null

function HandleBackClick() {
    return deviceHandler.OnNavigateBack;

function HandleOnlineState() {
    return deviceHandler.Online;

function HandleOfflineState() {
    return deviceHandler.Offline;

document.addEventListener('online', HandleOnlineState, false);
document.addEventListener('offline', HandleOfflineState, false);
document.addEventListener('backbutton', HandleBackClick, false);

return deviceHandler;

When I import this module I assign my own function to devicecs online event in this way

MobileDevice.Online = function() {
            alert("we have updated information..");

but it never gets called. can anyone help me with this module? one more thing to not: this assignment is differently called after device ready event.


  • You aren't calling your event handlers -- you are returning references instead. Try this:

    function HandleBackClick() {
        return deviceHandler.OnNavigateBack();
    function HandleOnlineState() {
        return deviceHandler.Online();
    function HandleOfflineState() {
        return deviceHandler.Offline();

    Of course, you should handle cases where you may not have a handler defined or where you have parameters being sent. I've made it a bit more generic as well, but you can ignore that if you want.

    function _callEventHandler ( eventHandler ) {
        var handler;
        var args =, 1); // skip the first parameter
        if (typeof deviceHandler[eventHandler] !== "undefined") {
            handler = deviceHandler[eventHandler];
            if (typeof handler === "function") {
                handler.apply (this, args);
            } else {
                console.log ( "WARNING: event handler isn't a function", eventHandler );
        } else {
            console.log ( "WARNING: event handler isn't defined", eventHandler );
    // a bit more generic so you can add events easily without duplicating a lot of code
    // down the line. Of course, it might be better to simply register for the event
    // when the handler is assigned -- you could use properties for that
    [ [ "online", "Online" ],
      [ "offline", "Offline" ],
      [ "backbutton", "OnNavigateBack" ] 
    ].forEach ( function ( evt )
            document.addEventListener ( evt[0], _callEventHandler.bind(this, evt[1]), false );
    // if you don't want to be that generic you can still:
    // document.addEventListener ( "online", _callEventHandler.bind(this, "Online"), false );
    // ...