I am using NuGet to pull in YUICompressor.NET.MSBuild
, which in turn pulls in YUICompressor.NET
and EcmaScript.Net
It also adds references to all three DLLs in my web project. I can then add the UsingTask reference like this:
<UsingTask TaskName="CssCompressorTask" AssemblyFile="$(SolutionDir)\packages\YUICompressor.NET.MSBuild.\lib\NET20\Yahoo.Yui.Compressor.Build.MsBuild.dll" />
And then use the task to compress my Javascript/CSS in an AfterBuild
However, I don't want to have to reference these DLLs in my web project (as they are not actually part of what I ship)... but when I remove the references, then CssCompressorTask can no longer find the other two dependent DLLs (they are in different folders off the /packages
folder - it works ok if they are alongside Yahoo.Yui.Compressor.Build.MsBuild.dll
Believe it or not, I have spent hours trying to get the dependencies to resolve:
First I tried to modify AssemblySearchPaths
to include all the other /packages subfolders, as here:
This didn't work, so I tried to create an inline assembly resolver, as here:
MSBuild UsingTask Resolve References
This doesn't work either. At the moment, I am thinking the only choice I have is to get the dependent DLLs alongside the UsingTask dll, one way or another... but this feels like my MSBuild foo is failing me :/
Any ideas much appreciated! Thanks.
Ok, v2.4.0.0+ now include the DLLs