This php script generates a input-field.
$html_output .= '<select name="date_year" id="year_select">'."\n";
for ($year = date("Y") - 45;
$year <= (date("Y") - $year_limit); $year++) {
$html_output .= '<option>' . $year . '</option>'."\n";
However i would like to change the $year from '2014 to 1969' instead of '1969 to 2014'.
I have found asort()-command but have failed to get it to work.
$html_output .= '<option>' . asort($year) . '</option>'."\n";
Your code seems to be overloaded... Try this:
$html_output .= '<select name="date_year" id="year_select">'."\n";
$year = date("Y");
$limit = date("Y")-100;
for($i = $year; $i>=$limit; $i--){
echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";