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sas_ variable value inside a like in a macro

I need to use the following code inse a macro:

proc sql;
select name
into :lista
separated by ' '
from dictionary.columns 
where libname='LABO2' 
and name like 't1_%'
and name like "%5";

But when I write:

%macro prue(numero);
proc sql;
select name
into :listas
separated by ' '
from dictionary.columns 
where libname='LABO2' 
and name like 't1_%'
and name like "% &numero.";
%put "% &numero";


I get in the like '% 5' when I need '%5'. If I delete the blanck space in

like "%&numero."

I don't get the variable value 5, I get '%&numero'. So I don't know how to solve this.



  • You need to use macro quoting to escape the percent sign and/or to separate it from the macro variable. One solution of many:

    %let text=fred;
    proc sql;
    select name from sashelp.class
    where name like "%nrstr(%%)&text.";

    You double the % because the first % in a %str or %nrstr escapes certain characters, including percent itself.