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Project Server Sharing resources across departments

Microsoft Project Server 2013, I am newbie , I had a system under MSProfessional to see capacity when I had just parts of people

We have a number of staff that work % of time in multiple departments, is there a way of seeing the total capacity of a department e.g. Software Department when we have staff say 50% on SW and 50% on help desk

Also this applies to role so we expect staff to have multiple roles so when working on Help desk they have a different role to Developer.


  • In Microsoft Project there are many different ways to accomplish this. I know, this is a "programming" site and I have used it for query help in the past but what you are asking for is built into Project already without having to go into development mode. One way you can do this is with one or two custom fields. Or, you could use the RBS and the units on each Resource. I know that the goal is to answer the question but this is one of those questions that is pretty wide open because there are two or three good solutions but each are based on a different business scenario. So, in the spirit of giving a path to do this I would suggest that you add a custom field for each resource with the department classification and then also put in the Resource's capacity and then you can run as many slices of this data as you want from the Resource Center. That will show you availability versus capacity and workload. You also mention roles, you may use a skill set field for that and use that as another method of slicing this data. Again, many choices to get that data directly from the system....