I have a Rail 4 application that uses the ajaxify_rails Gem. So only my content is loaded but not the full page. Now I have defined a helper method that I want to call in every view as first statement. My current approch is doing this explicit in every view, but this is much duplicated code. So I have many views all starting with
= rails_helper_method
Is there a way to to this impliedly on every view, or do I just have to call it over and over again?
This is what layouts
are for. Just call your helper method in your layout and since your views will use that layout so your helper method will also get called up. In your layout file you can do:
= rails_helper_method
= yield
If you look at ajaxify_rails repo
, you can call its ajaxify_extra_content method in application_controller and then bind it to ajaxify event. You can do something like this:
def ajaxify_extra_content
... your extra html ...
and then bind it like this:
$(document).on 'ajaxify:content_inserted', ->
$('#id_of_some_container_in_view').html $('#ajaxify_content #id_of_some_container_in_view').html()
you can also call your helpers directly like this:
def ajaxify_extra_content
PS I haven't tested it but this should work for you