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canjs model not populating mustache template

I am very new to CanJs just started learning, I am struck with below problem not able to debug it.

I have model as below:

Localized = can.Model({
        findOne : 'GET /resources/localized'
    }, {

GET /resources/localized ---> fetches available localized languages.

And I have defined a component as below

    tag : 'preferences',
    template : initView,
    init: function() {
    scope : {
        locales: new LocalizedModel.findOne({})

initView has mustache template as below:

<div class="form-group">
      <select class="form-control" id="lang" name="lang"  can-change="save">
          {{#list locales.languageOptions}}
              <option value="{{name}}">{{name}}</option>

But the problem is locales are not getting populate, I could see network call for /resources/localized, any pointers here could really help to understand this.


  • Be careful to use the correct naming, especially if you were reading up on both EJS and Mustache building from the CanJS documentation. The helper that iterates over a list is {{#each listref}}...{{/each}} in can.Mustache and can.Stache, where in can.EJS it is <% list(listref, function(item) { %>...<% }) %>. Using {{#list ...}} will likely not produce anything.