I'm having a little trouble understanding why my Manager class is null within the context of the request handling through this example POST method in the Service class. I registered the Manager and it's dependencies like this example and it seems to be registering fine. Only way I can get this to work is if I tell the property to go and resolveNamed through the container in the apphost reference. Thanks!
public static class TemplateContainer
public const string DomainName = "Template";
public static Funq.Container Configure(Funq.Container container)
container.Register<IUOWMongo<TemplateMongoContext>>(DomainName, c =>
new UOWMongo<TemplateMongoContext>(
container.Register<IMongoTemplateRepository>(DomainName, c =>
new MongoTemplateRepository<TemplateMongoContext>(
container.Register<ITemplateDataManager>(DomainName, c =>
new TemplateDataManager(c.ResolveNamed<IMongoTemplateRepository>(DomainName))
return container;
public class TemplateService : ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Service
public ITemplateDataManager Manager { get; set; }
public GetTemplateResponse Post(GetTemplateRequest request)
var response = new GetTemplateResponse();
**// Manager is null here!!!
// Only way I can get it to work is if I do this:
Manager = AppHostBase.Instance.Container.ResolveNamed<ITemplateDataManager>("Template");**
return response;
The AutoWiring in Funq doesn't look at named dependencies. You can change it to register as a normal dependency:
container.Register<ITemplateDataManager>(c =>
new TemplateDataManager(c.ResolveNamed<IMongoTemplateRepository>(DomainName))