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Advanced Rudimentary Computing?

Lets say that my definition of 'rudimentary programming' refers to the fundamental tools employed for a computer to perform a task.

Considering programming rudiments, the learning spectrum usually looks something like this:

  • Variables, data types and variable memory
  • Arrays/Lists and their manipulation
  • Looping and conditionals
  • Functions
  • Classes
  • Multi threading/processing
  • Streams (hard-disk and web)

My question is, have I missed any of the major rudiments? Is there a 'next' to the spectrum that still eludes me?


  • I think you missed the most important one: algorithms. Understanding the complexity, know the situation to use them, why use them and more important, how to implement them.

    I'm pretty sure that you already know a lot about algorithms but if you think that your tool-knowledge (aka the programming languages) are good enough, you should start focus, more, on the algorithms.

    A great book to start is: Introduction to Algorithms, from Thomas H. Cormen