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Date Compare in HQL without timestamp

I have to compare two dates in hibernate hql query. I am using java.util.Date in my java bean and using timestamp as datatype in mysql database.

select t from Task t where t.modifiedDate > t.endDate;

Above query compares time with date. What should i do to compare date in above query without time.


  • See the Hibernate documentations for available date functions

    In section 14.10 notice this line

    second(...), minute(...), hour(...), day(...), month(...), and year(...)

    So this should work

    ... where year(t.endDate) > year(t.startDate) 
        and month(t.endDate) > month(t.startDate)
        and day(t.endDate) > day(t.startDate)

    The solution reported as satisfying the question is

     ... where DATE(t.endDate) > (t.startDate)