I started using Haskell today and am following the tutorial through learnyouahaskell.com. However, in the tutorial all of their syntax automatically gets colored in the terminal. I am using Command Prompt through ConEmu and was wondering if there was any way that I could also get this coloring (easily). I've been looking for downloads or suggestions online and couldn't find anything. I have Notepadd++ for when I want to make .hs files, but nothing for the terminal itself once I initialize ghci.
I would suggest using Emacs with haskell-mode
. I'm a Emacs fan, and I just started exploring Haskell too, haskell-mode
works perfectly. I don't know if there is something like this for Notepad++.
Here is full list of editors that support Haskell highlighting. As for terminal colouring, I doubt that it will be easy on Windows (you're on windows, right?), you need an IDE.