I'm trying to implement a factory design pattern in Scala using the apply methods available on the companion object. I have the following approach.
sealed trait MyType {
def param: String
case class TypeA(param: String) extends MyType
case class TypeB(param: String, anotherParam: String) extends MyType
object MyType {
def apply(param: String): TypeA = ???
def apply(param, anotherParam: String): TypeB = ???
How do I now force the callers of the above trait to go via the companion object when creating instances of TypeA
or TypeB
You can move the case classes inside the companion object, and set the constructors to be private and accessed only within the companion object.
sealed trait MyType {
def param: String
object MyType {
case class TypeA private[MyType] (param: String) extends MyType
case class TypeB private[MyType] (param: String, anotherParam: String) extends MyType
def apply(param: String): TypeA = TypeA(param)
def apply(param: String, anotherParam: String): TypeB = TypeB(param, anotherParam)
No one would be able to instantiate the case classes directly, unless though reflection.
scala> MyType("Test")
res0: MyType.TypeA = TypeA(Test)
scala> MyType("Test", "another test")
res1: MyType.TypeB = TypeB(Test,another test)
scala> MyType.TypeA("test??")
<console>:12: error: constructor TypeA in class TypeA cannot be accessed in object $iw