I Want a flex date field with particular selectable range only.
I could there are similar properties of mx:DateField to restrict the selectable date range. that are
<mx:DateField disabledRanges="{[{rangeEnd: new Date()}]}"/>
<mx:DateField selectableRange="{{rangeStart : new Date()}}" y="100"/>
so i would like to know what is the difference between above two properties and in which case have to use disabledRanges and selectableRange.
allows you to define multiple date ranges to exclude from being selected.[1]
allows you to define a single date range to include for selection.[2]
The difference is small but powerful, the ability to define multiple exclusions allows much more customisation.
Imagine you wanted to only allow someone to pick a date in this month, that easy with selectableRange
, but imagine you also wanted to exclude all weekends and national holidays? You can't do that with one inclusive date range, you need multiple exclusions.