I would like to use PDO ODBC to get datas from .mdb file. This works fine when querying on "normal" tables, however it always fails on linked tables, whatever the query is.
Connexion :
$pdo = new PDO("odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=$mdb;SystemDB=$mdw;", $user, $pass);
Ex :
A normal table "test" (id, name) Query : SELECT * FROM test It works, I get the expected rows A linked table "linked_test" Query : SELECT * FROM linked_test It doesn't return anything
But on attached/linked/synchronized tables i can't get any results, the PDOStatement just return the queryString, no result to fetch.
These tables are synchronized to a Oracle Database.
Then the question is how should I proceed to get results from theses tables ?
Sorry for my bad english...
Unfortunately, what you are attempting simply won't work from PHP. You will need to create a separate connection to the Oracle database and pull the information directly from there.